Sept 6th 2012 Just arrived to MITERS, the first hackerspace I really hung out in back in 2008 and it’s as amazing as ever! I met up with an old friend and GEMSI backer Muffin. He’s working on creating a wearable music analyser here while I came to co-work on the kickstarter! Places like these […]
Qarly & Murtadha Go to NYC — #1
Murtadha and I (Qarly) will be going to NYC to represent GEMSI at the Open Hardware Summit (we’re searching for a ticket for Murtadha!) and at the World Maker Faire. We’ll be leaving Tuesday night. We’re looking for a place to stay in NYC until Sunday. If you or someone you love thinks they might want to […]
RWB event announce –
I just posted on to announce Rawaya wa Bidaya — DIY story challenge! RWB event announce –
Rawaya wa Bidaya – Livestreamed Storytelling Event Oct. 7th 2012
Join GEMSI and Yahya of TEDxBaghdad at the Share Beirut conference to hear stories of courageous initiative, bootstrapping, and innovative problem solving from the Middle East. Tune in by Internet! Sunday October 7th 4:40pm/16:40 (Beirut) 6:40am (San Francisco) 9:40am (NYC) ::Check back at the permalink for the livestream link on October 7th:: Rawaya wa Bidaya information and news [check the […]

#RWB new submission date: Sept 28th.
Hey Everyone! We have some new posters reflecting the new submission date for Rawaya wa Bidaya. NEW submission deadline: September 28th! All the best! –Qarly

Update! Rawaya wa Bidaya, Bilal in Beirut, and the GEMSI team prepares for travel!
Hello Friends and Collaborators! The past few days have been incredibly exciting for us at GEMSI and things are only getting more great as we continue moving forward! In this post: Rawaya wa Bidaya – POSTERS! Bilal touches down in Beirut and Lamba Labs has their first day as a physical hackerspace The GEMSI team […]
Fanoos Ramadan Competition
Here at GEMSI, we are really happy to see the creative play coming out of Cairo. For instance, the beautiful lamp below was created in a competition co-sponsored by GEMSI and run by Mahmoud, a GEMSI member, out of FabLab Egypt and Giza Hackerspace. 1st place: Rana Bahaa for the Prametric Fanoos (above) The idea […]

Rawaya wa Badaya’s first comic is up and the competition is live!
Thanks to the wonderful and talented Kate Saturday we have GEMSI’s first story of initiative and service illustrated as a beautiful comic! Check out this amazing comic and remember to submit your story by posting a video to this Facebook event! If you’re interested in reading Murtadha’s full story, you can find it below:

TEDxBaghdad – Iraq – violence, dust storms and open sourced manufacturing
(Reposted from May 2012. Baghdad, Iraq. It was once the jewel of the Muslim empire and epicenter of knowledge in the Eastern world. Now it is best known for corrupt governance, bombings, and dust storms. It was also my parents’ home. After visiting once in 1991 as a child the few memories I have of Iraq […]

GEMSI Plans for Baghdad and Beyond.
GEMSI works to develop engagement, service and entrepreneurship by fostering and uniting communities of makers around the world, running workshops about accessible technology, and promoting storytelling. Currently, our focus is on the Middle East and North Africa. This fall, we are starting new initiatives in Baghdad, Beirut, and Cairo. Imagine you are a young […]