yesterday we thought “it’s time to create” at the first active build night in Fikra Space. Fikra’s members came together at IWPR to create and play with the stuff that we have. It’s time to create some new things!! 


We were amazed by the passion of the people who joined us!! All ambitious young geeks who have an amazing energy to create something useful and change the world!

As we are one of the open source communities… we always say “Sudo make hope” because we want to make our middle east great again in the world’s eyes and we need hope to change! Nothing is impossible! 


One member of the build night was Bahsar, an amazing young Geek who has a project creating a small car controlled by the Arduino and the bluetooth. His project is really an amazing but he needed some help, so he met Ahmed Fadhel(another amazing geek). They started to work together and they have done just an amazing job!!!

Some Geeks were working and coding hard in the build night. Mustafa and Elly were working on  iSchool project which allows the students to see their marks by iPad. It’s a really amazing project!!
Some others were working on Arduino and how to do amazing stuff with it…

While others were hacking I preferred to make a short movie and filmed the others who were working.This footage was used for a video titled “Fikra Space in a minute “, my new idea for a video series!! We will be making a short video for every event we have and using the same title “Fikra Space in a minute “.
Check our first video 🙂 


It was really an amazing build night … We feel like we really have amazing geeks who can create new amazing things and change the middle east. Build nights really help anyone who has a dream make their dream comes true by connecting them with friends who can help and giving them the tools they need. This is the idea of hackerspaces all around the world: to help each other and create new things!!! 

Join us if you like the idea of build nights! 

special thanks for Matthew Crenshaw for helping me in this blog !

yours ,





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