After working together for a month with Bilal and Susu to help initiate the first hackerspace in Baghdad they finally arrived today. Bilal and Susu have arrived to Baghdad and we all met up immediately to discuss about Baghdad coming Hackerspace in Everyday cafe in Mansour Baghdad Iraq.
The meeting was at Everyday café we’d like to give them special thanks for supporting us.
There were thirty three guests and the meeting was an amazing meeting!
We made sure everyone had a chance to share their ideas and dreams with everyone else. We attempted to connect everybody with each other to establish the first Hackerspace. It was great to find so many great ideas and amazing people to work with us …
“It was an amazing day im so happy now ! ” Mustafa Ahmed said ” we just found someone to support our project to develop an app for the school “
Mustafa Ahmed is one of the iphone/ipad developer and now he is working with his team to make a great app on iphone …
Bilal and Susu were amazed by the people ideas they really were happy!
The meeting was for two hours and everybody told his idea and what he wants to do in the future.
Some people couldn’t come so we had to get them in using facetime:
Baghdad Hackerspace is in the kickoff stage these days and will work to teach the people 3D printing , Arduino , developing , and many other things …
Join us at our Hackerspace!
Stay updated by our group on Facebook!

Hello from the Baghdad Hackerspace Meetup!




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